Thursday, 8 March 2012

5 Star Rating System

I've decided to work this as 0 stars (worst) to 5 stars (life altering). This is what each star means:

0 stars - Universe should have imploded upon creation of this album

.5 stars - Is setting the Earth's destruction into motion as we speak

1 stars - Is causing natural disasters somewhere in the world

1.5 stars - Haunts the dreams of children and animals around the world. Hear them howl in despair.

2 stars - Mediocre at best, a few good riffs, no real outstanding qualities. Should join the ranks of no hit wonders.

2.5 stars - Below average, though not absolutely terrible. Maybe one good song, which should join The Divinyls in the League of One Hit Wonders.

3 stars - Average. A couple good songs you would expect to have on an album. More or less some dudes playing their genres music like millions of other dudes playing music. Probably good background music.

3.5 stars - Above average. Songs generally sit at pretty good, though overall album is missing something to make it awesome. Lives up to genres standards but isn't a Micheal Jackson.

4 stars - Good! Overall music was well thought out, album had a plan which they more or less reached. Pushed a few boundaries made some progress for the genre

4.5 stars - Excellent! Good quality, good clarity, coherent message, freaking catchy. ADHD dance part here we come.

5 stars - Rockin' the fucking free world. Basically the genres Micheal Jackson or The Beatles.

I will be rating the albums in context with the genre they come from, since you can't really compare a pop album's musical complexity with a metal album's. The things I will be looking at when deciding the ratings consists of this list:

- Coherency. Does the music make sense within itself. Or will the listener get lost in noise when listening to it.

- Clarity. Is the thoughts/ feelings/ ideas coming across in the music of each song.

- Flow. Does each section of the song fit together nicely, is the theme of the song being carried throughout.

- Complexity. Of the instrumental parts, of the vocal melodies, of the lyrics.

- Consistency. Is the album well written throughout.

- Catchiness. Does the album, or songs within the album, grab your attention and hold it.

I think this is basically it, though I'll probably think of something else to add later.


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